Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our Postal Carrier

Every day, we head to the mailbox to retrieve any treasures left there for Sailor to bring back home. He sits and stays while I go to the box and bring out his prize, then he comes a runnin' and grabs the rolled up magazine or envelope. He holds his head so high while he prances around me showing me his possession, I grab on to it and let go, and then he's off running. He looks like a blue ribbon stallion in the show ring, oh so proud. He makes me laugh so hard.

When we get back to the house he makes a beeline for his momma dropping his prey at her feet and waits for his peanut butter cookie! Peanut butter is his favorite. Sailor loves his mail carrier job, and we love our mailman!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bear Feet

Sailor's feet are the largest dog's feet I've ever seen. When we walk to the mailbox and I see his footprints in the wet driveway on the way back to the house I am shocked. They look like a bear has walked along behind us. And, they are so sensitive he just shivered when I touch his pads. Tickle, tickle.

But the funniest thing about those feet is how he shuffles them along on the tile floor. Sounds like an old man in slippers coming into the kitchen! Shh, shh, shh, shh. Absolutely hilarious and endearing at the same time. I love this dog!